Register HERE for High School Girls Bible Study.
Register HERE for 2024 Camp Eagle!
Christ Church's Student Ministry is designed to minister to children ages 12 to 18!
During this transitional time of adolescence, our leaders and volunteers come alongside kids in discipleship, friendship, and fun. Our role is to facilitate a safe, caring space for kids to share their hearts, discuss their questions, and hear truth.
As this ministry grows we look forward to many more opportunities to minister to the children of Christ Church who are in this formative season.
Student Ministry currently offers:
Middle School CE
This is a time of learning and fun geared toward students ages 11-13 (grades 6 - 8). Students learn catechism questions and answers, study the Bible, and play interactive games with their energetic, enthusiastic teachers.
High School CE
For students in high school who are looking to grow in understanding Christianity, faith, and what the Bible says about how to live. Plus, there are donuts. Always donuts.
Student Group
Students grade 6 - 12 meet the first & third Sunday of each month after worship. After a shared meal and games they divide into smaller, gender and age-specific groups to learn, talk, discuss, and pray for one another.
Visit our events page HERE to see what's happening this month.
CCSA Youth Super Bowl Party!